Tuesday 15 April 2014

Circular Eczema Understanding Discoid Dermatitis

There are many forms of skin conditions that can cause irritation. There is a particular type of skin condition called Discoid eczema. This skin problem mostly occurs with adults and is shaped like a coin and the skin is reddish in color. The rashes are generally located on the torso or lower legs. In appearance, the rash can be mistaken for ringworm and is very itchy. It can also secrete clear fluids especially if it has gotten a bacterial infection. 

Even though this particular skin inflammation tends to erupt on the lower legs, it can affect any area of your body. The other areas where it is commonly found are the back, bottom, and arms. The rash will eventually crust over, become scaly and is always very itchy. Scaly patches can appear on the lower legs, wrists, head or forearms due to scratching the intense itch, which in turn causes it to become more irritated. The initial onset of this skin problem can be due to a minor insect bite or a burn on the skin. 

This skin rash is often called varicose eczema when the rash appears down the legs, around the veins. This rash will look like patches that can last for months. The patches range in size up to several centimeters span, however the skin between the patches may appear normal, but still be irritated and dry. The symptoms of this rash can be very itchy or have no extreme irritation at all. 

Once these circular patches clear up, they will still leave their mark for awhile. This can last for several weeks to a couple months. These marks can either be lighter or dark than your normal pigment. It is important to always protect your skin as this form of rash tends to occur as a result of skin damage. Try to keep your affect skin away from chemicals like various detergents. Even excess water usage can aggravate your skin.

Discoid eczema is not due to hereditary or genetics but tends to affect middle aged to elderly men. It is not associated with other illnesses like asthma and is not a result of food allergy or poisoning. This rash cannot be passed to others but you need to be aware of any bacterial infection that may occur from scratching and tearing the skin.

Monday 14 April 2014

Caviar, Cucumbers And Brazilians - Beauty Essentials

Getting ready for a major event? Want to look your best and draw praises from everyone who sees you? Whether it is a best friend's dream wedding, or just a local fundraiser, there are quite a few options that will help you look your best and be the centre of attention.

We all know spas are a great tool for relaxing, unwinding and in the process get a relieving full body treatment. Apart from the usual fare of massage, manicures, pedicures, and waxing, there are some really unusual and just as much beneficial treatments that are available. One of these extraordinary options is the caviar spa treatment. Caviar goes well on a cracker, but it turns out it has amazing benefits for your skin too. The protein and omega fat rich content of caviar is extremely enriching for your skin, and makes it hydrated and healthy. Being excellent in fat and protein, caviar is an excellent cure for damaged, aging and dry skin. There was a time when caviar was reserved only for royalty, but now this royal treat is available for you to enjoy and treat your skin to this luxury.

After getting one with the lavish caviar spa treatment, you might want to take care of the rest of your body, and for that, nothing beats the Brazilian wax.
Brazilian waxing cleans your skin of any unwanted hair and gives it a smooth and plush feel. Brazilian waxing is especially popular with beachgoers who would stop at nothing to make sure their bodies and skin reflect the dazzling beauty of their surroundings. However, before committing to a waxing appointment, you should consider the following:
If it is your first time, you might feel uncomfortable and it might pain a little. However as your skin gets used to the treatment, you will notice that hair growth is decreased.

Your eyes are windows to your soul- clich?, yes; but also quite true. Healthy eyes indicate a healthy body, and similarly dark, tired, and puffy eyes give away poor internal health. Dark circles take a lot away from your appearance and make you look tired and old. Dark circle eye treatment is one of the most essential tools you should use to get a perfectly glowing and refreshed face. However, dark eye circles are not just a sign of tiredness and lack of sleep- Dark eye circles may well indicate a more serious internal health problem. Dark circles are often associated with improper kidney function, liver imbalances, and medicinal side effects. What's more, dark circles are also a possible sign of mineral deficiencies, especially iron. But, fret not. There is always a solution for your beauty problem, and it turns out that for dark eye circles, there are some really simple and easy methods to get back those fresh shining eyes.

One obvious thing to do is using concealer. Although it will not do away with the cause of the dark circles, but it will definitely hide them away and give you eyes a fresh uplift. You can also try natural remedies that are sure to do wonders for your eyes: Cucumbers, and ice. Both these are excellent for dealing with dark eye circles as they soothe and relax the under-eye skin and nerves and gives real results!

Caring For Your Skin And Maintain The Beauty In You

The skin is the outer covering of our body. It protects us and helps keep the right body temperature. It is an important part of our body that needs to be taken care of. The first thing we could see when looking other people is their skin. It contributes much on the appearance of a person. You should take care of your skin because it has many functions for our body such as protection, sensation, heat regulation, control of evaporation, storage and synthesis, absorption and acts as a water resistant barrier.

Caring for your skin sometimes is complicated because there are many skin care products that are out in the market. Many people are confused on what to buy and often times advertisements play a great part on it. In giving the proper care for your skin, you should know your skin type. In that way you can choose between products to buy and use depending on your skin type. Many of us have sensitive skin that is why it is a must that before buying any skin products you should read the content.

If you have a sensitive skin you must use mild products to avoid allergies. You can use a skin care product that contains fruit sugars, aloe ad cucumber. Some people who have sensitive skin use baby products because they are mild and with less chemicals added. For normal skin you can use products with moisturizing creams, botanical extracts and oils. For those who have oily skin you can use products that contains glycerin because it removes the oil and it leaves no residue on the skin. Products with alpha hydroxy acids are also recommended. It reduces the chance of having acne and it exfoliates the skin. With proper skin care you can maintain the beauty in you.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Skin Care Products For Your Health

The best skin care products can make you look years younger and help you to have healthy skin. 

I am not talking about the best selling products. These are often the ones that have celebrities advertising them. Big bucks are spent on the promotion of these products and not so much on the actual research of what brings results in a way that won't harm the health of the body of the one using the product.

I say this because many companies take short cuts when it comes to using healthy ingredients. Their products might work, but at a cost that is far more destructive than one might think.

Would you knowingly buy a product if the label read caution this product may lead to cancer? Or the use of this product may cause liver damage to you or damage your unborn child? Or a less damaging substance might just say use of this product may cause acne - would you purchase that one?

I think all of us would answer no to each of those question. But the problem is the labels don't say that. Many consumers don't have any idea that those statements even need to be on some of the so-called best skin care products.

Next time you get a chance check the ingredients on your favorite hand cream or face moisturizer. If they contain mineral oil, they are not helping you in your plan to keep your complexion healthy or young looking. 

You won't notice it right away. In fact when you apply it to your hands or face, your skin will feel nice and soft, but what is happening to your skin is not nice. 

Mineral oil clogs the pores, which interferes with your skin's ability to eliminate all the bad stuff, called toxins. This is why acne and other skin problems appear. Mineral oil also strips your natural oils leaving you more dry and chapped then before you used it. 

Other ingredient like parabens, dioxane, phebol carbolic acid, and nitrosmaines are suspected (and in some cases proven) to cause cancer, circulatory collapse, respiratory disease, and other serious health problems. 

Skin care products shouldn't harm your health. Check out my web site to learn more about the dangerous substances in skin care. 

Some ingredients to look for in best skin care products that are healthy for you are CynergyTK?, coenzyme Q10, wakame, grape seed oil, avocado oil, shea butter and babassu. When you check out my web site for the dangerous ingredients I also tell you where you can find the safe ones. 

Go check it out today. Don't count on the best selling to be the best skin care products for your health.

Benetton Colors - History Of Fashion

The classic colors of Benetton have long been quite the favorite of so many people all over the world. To date, Benetton is now the largest manufacturer of clothing items all over Europe. It has also become the largest consumer of wool all over the world when it comes to the garment sector. The company has found much success but we must note that it was not an easy road. We can tell by the story of Benetton's success humble beginnings.

In 1955, the eldest amongst the Benetton children, Luciano Benetton, perceived a market potential for colorful clothes. He was only 20 years of age and was working as a salesman in Treviso. Because he saw this market potential, he decided to sell a bicycle belonging to a younger brother so that he could purchase a used knitting machine. With this used piece of equipment, he started creating sweaters. Seeing that these sweaters were welcomed by stores all over Veneto, Italy, Luciano then invited his sister and his brothers to join him in his venture.

It was in 1968 when the Benettons opened their first ever store, in Belluno. A year after that, they also opened a store in Paris. Luciano was the acting chairman while Giberto headed administrative affairs. Carlo, on the other hand, handled production. The chief designer position was then assigned to Giuliana. Luciano's meeting with Flavio Briatore soon led to the company's expansion to the US market. They started with just 5 stores in the year 1979, but in 10 short years, this figure rose to 800 through aggressive franchise agreements.

The company's clothing line continued to be its lifeline, with its casual line dubbed as United Colors of Benetton. Initially, Benetton's product line included casual wear, leisurewear, street wear, men's wear, women's wear, children's wear, and underwear. However, over the years, Benetton perceived much potential in expanding their product lines. Pretty soon, Benetton covered toiletries, watches, baby products, household items, and perfume as well.

Colors of Benetton for Women has indeed captured the fancy of a lot of women all over the world. What makes it even more popular is the fact that it can also be bought online. Sport Cologne by Benetton for Men has garnered a huge population in the market as well.

Friday 11 April 2014

Anti Wrinkle Creams Can Be Very Effective

Are you in the season of life that when you look in the mirror you see wrinkles beginning to creep up on you? If so you need to be informed as to how anti wrinkle creams work, and how to go about finding the best products to use.

Some creams on the market are useless and some are downright dangerous for your health. The useless one's will just cost you money that could be used for something fun, but the dangerous ones can cost you your health and even your life, in extreme cases, especially if your health is already in poor shape.

Useless anti wrinkle creams are the ones that contain collagen. Even though collagen is what is we need more of to keep the wrinkles away, applying it topically to the skin won't help matters. Reason being is because the collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the skin.

The collagen just sits on top of the skin, which isn't all bad, because they at least help hold the moisture in, so our skin doesn't dry out, but for building up our collagen and helping us fight wrinkles, it just doesn't happen. Sorry to disappoint you if you are using one of those anti wrinkle creams, but you need to look for something else.

The creams on the market that are dangerous for your health need to be mentioned here. Substances like acrylamide, DEA, TEA, MEA (which all have anolamine in their name), dioxane, nitrosamines, phenol carbolic acid, polyethylene glycol (PEG), toluene, and parabens are all suspected of causing cancer or some other very deadly disease. Stay clear of them if you value your health. For more details visit my web site you'll find listed in the bio section, and click on ingredients to avoid, so you can learn more.

To find anti wrinkle creams that will work, you need to find products with ingredients that will actually stimulate your body to produce more collagen. The collagen produced by your body is the only substance that is sure to integrate with the other collagen in your skin matrix. Bringing in collagen from other sources, such as pills or capsules, won't integrate properly, so you should leave those products out of the equation.

CynergyTK?, active manuka honey, avocado oil, and CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) will all help the skin to rebuild collagen and elastin, which are two things we need in order to combat wrinkles and fine lines. When you find CoQ10 in a product be sure it is in a form that will penetrate the layers of the skin. This is also one of those ingredients that will stay on top of the skin, and not work with the cells to do the rebuilding of collagen that needs to happen, if it isn't broken down to microscopic sizes so it can penetrate the skin.

Now that you know what to look for in anti wrinkle creams, you can search online or in your local stores for the ingredients listed above that will fight wrinkles. Happy shopping and enjoy your new skin when you find an effective product and start using it.

Anti Aging Skin Products

Anti aging skin products need to be effective or you won't keep using them. Would you say that is a correct statement?

I know we are bombarded with many advertisements, with lots of glossy ads, and beautiful women telling us to be certain skin care products, but we don't actually keep using them if they don't work. 

Or do we? 

I think sometimes we do. After all the celebrity or pretty face on the magazine says she uses it, so who are we to question. Maybe if we just keep using it month after month we will look as beautiful as they do.

Don't you sometimes think that? I know I used to. 

Now don't get me wrong, sometimes we need to use anti aging skin products for a month or two, before seeing any results, but if we are honest after month three and there are no positive changes we should ditch the product and go a different route.

If you want instant results you need to check with your doctor to see if you are a candidate for a chemical peel, dermabrasion, or laser treatments. If you have the funds you can go that route. These don't carry lasting results; you will have to have the procedures done again, but they are quicker than any anti aging skin products.

The skin care products I've found effective n removing fine lines and wrinkles and leaving me with healthy skin are CynergyTK, Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10, and Phytessence Wakame.

Combine these with vitamin E, avocado oil, shea butter, active manuka honey, babbasu, maracuja, grape seed oil and crodamol OP and you have all the ingredients you need to fight off aging skin. 

All the above all natural substances so you don't have to worry about harming your skin, like you do if you use harsh chemicals. 

Some chemicals are at the best only irritating to your skin, but some can actually harm your health. You might think you cannot get cancer my rubbing something on your face, but you can.

What you apply to your skin gets into your blood stream so use products on it carefully. Don't just use any old thing that is being advertised as the best. Pick your anti aging skin products carefully, and be sure what you use id free of harmful ingredients.

To learn more about what to use, and what to avoid on your skin, check to my web site. You might just find information that may save your life.